A Pro-Reconciling/Anti-Racism Resolution

In its introduction, UCC’s vision statement proclaims that we are, “Responding to the call to be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world[.]”  At its meeting on June 19, the Board passed a resolution brought to it by the Worship Council expressing the Board’s sadness at the brokenness so plain in the world the last few weeks, and affirming UCC’s desire to continue to respond to the call proclaimed in our vision statement by discerning new ways in which UCC may be, in understanding, in word, and in action, a Pro-Reconciling/Anti-Racism congregation. 

The resolution reads as follows:




The Board of University Christian Church expresses its profound grief and sadness at the brokenness in the world so evident these last few weeks.  In this moment, we affirm with one voice UCC’s desire to respond to our call to be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.  To live into that call, we wish to discern in a new way and with new learning, new conversations, and new understanding the paths on which this congregation can walk in the words and spirit of Micah 6:8, a verse that has guided us and abided in our hearts for so many years as a supporting congregation of the Micah 6 food pantry: “And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?’” 

Therefore, the Board resolves:

That, in the months and years ahead, University Christian Church will engage in learning, from reading, courses, conversations, discussion groups, and speakers in our pulpit and in other forums, to understand the systemic racism that is a scourge upon the lives of God’s children;

That we will listen to the stories of those who have lived with and experienced racism daily and for far too long;

That University Christian Church will engage in discernment about the ways in which we can address and help to eradicate racism in all its forms and wherever it may be found;

That, following that discernment, University Christian Church will act, with its voice, its energy, and its ministries, to address and help to eradicate racism in all its forms and wherever it may be found;

That University Christian Church will lend its voice and resources to the work of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to address and eradicate racism in all its forms;

That University Christian Church will seek to become a designated Pro-Reconciling/Anti-Racist ministry; and

That University Christian Church will engage in this work with humility and with love, compassion, understanding, and kindness for each other and for those whose stories we will hear; and

That University Christian Church’s profoundest desire and intent is for all children of God to be able to live fully into their humanity as members of the beloved community, and that we, as followers of Jesus, be instruments of peace and reconciliation, and repairers of the breach. 

The Board directs that this resolution be published in full in Happenings, The Caller, on UCC’s website, and as feasible and appropriate, on all UCC’s communication and social media platforms, and that it be recorded and stored in UCC’s official files.  

ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2020.