Christmas Brunch — Sunday, December 15, 9:30 a.m.
Join in for a potluck brunch! To sign up to bring a dish, contact the office.
Christmas Eve Worship — Tuesday, December 24
Everyone is welcome to Christmas Eve at UCC! We will have the same schedule we introduced last year:
Concert, 4 p.m., Sanctuary
Cookie Reception, 4:30 p.m., Narthex (refreshments & photos with the tree!)
Worship, 5 p.m., Sanctuary — featuring hymns, scripture, communion, and candlelight
A special offering during the worship service will be taken to benefit Micah 6.
There will be no nursery available on Christmas Eve.
Advent Devotionals
Sign up for Advent devotionals that complement our seasonal worship theme, Words from the Beginning. Email to receive your copy.
Volunteering with Open Door Preschool
One of this year's Mission Fund recipients was Open Door Preschool. UCC members will volunteer there this season to help sort donations, create meal kits, and write holiday cards.
LifeWorks Project Holiday Help
UCC collects multiple carloads of gifts every year to donate to LifeWorks clients. This year, we helped five individual youths, four small families, and one large family with their Christmas gifts. Thank you to everyone who donated!