Practice Resurrection

How was your Lent? Mine was...Lent-y. Lent-y in the way that I was reminded over and over that God is God and I am not. That I need God the Comforter and Healer. That sometimes a journey, even a holy journey like the one toward the cross and resurrection, feels like a bit of a slog. Plodding, step after step. Winter storm. One-year anniversary of the pandemic. More people grieving loved ones lost to the coronavirus and mass shootings. It's not been an easy Lent.

But God was there with us, every step of the way in the wilderness. We were blessed by the all-church Sunday School study of Amy-Jill Levine's Short Stories by Jesus; we grew closer to Christ and to one another. Our twice-weekly prayer times on Zoom and Facebook helped us to keep with a rhythm of prayer. Volunteers reached out to help those most affected by the freeze. Worship in Lent was beautiful and holy. We definitely had many companions in the wilderness.

And now, it's almost Easter. It was a joy to see so many faces during the virtual Palm Sunday "processional," especially those of our youngest UCC-ers. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will see us through sacred moments in the mystery of these holy days. And then, Easter morning! Easter worship will be so special -- we'll have a choral anthem (a new one!), an organ duet, and a real celebration that death doesn't win -- Love does.

The season of Eastertide, I suspect, won't feel like a slog, because there is hope and possibility pretty much everywhere you look! More people are getting the vaccine, trees and flowers are blooming, we are inching toward some sort of return to "normal." That doesn't mean it will all be easy; we will surely have some stumbles and false starts as we figure out life together in this new world. However, we know more than ever that God's with us all along the way. I'm reminded of the line from a Wendell Berry poem that says Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection.

If you take a look at our April calendar, it looks less crowded than usual. That's because we're gearing up for some exciting things, including a new Lectio Divina group on Zoom and some safe, small, outdoor in-person gatherings. Look farther down in this issue of the Caller for more information. We'll also be in touch this month about our annual pledge campaign, focused on Psalm 23:5-6: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD my whole life long.

As always, you all are in my daily prayers. If you need help getting a vaccine appointment, let me or Pastor Chelsea know. I hope to see you on Zoom or for a porch/park visit sometime soon.

Love and peace to you,
