Coming Up at UCC!

Dear ones,

There are some exciting things going on here at UCC! Although the pandemic is not yet over, we're able to enjoy more in-person activities than we've been able to over the last couple of years. I'm really proud of the way that we kept up connections through the worst of COVID, but there is an energy connected to more "normalcy" in the world. That energy is leading to new initiatives in our congregational life together. The Spirit is at work! Here are a few highlights of how God is doing a new thing here, all of which you'll hear more about in upcoming months:

  • Interest Groups: In addition to the ongoing monthly book group and other opportunities, various new groups will be rolling out soon. Watch for more information about groups related to hands-on service, prayer/spirituality, advocacy, and a new Sunday school group that will kick off in the fall.

  • Church-Wide Outreach Activities: Rev. Chelsea is working on establishing some regular service opportunities in addition to service projects spearheaded by the neighborhood groups.

  • Fellowship Events: We'll be getting together for more fellowship meals and outings now that things are a bit safer! This summer, join us for a luncheon after church on June 19, and hopefully also a Round Rock Express game (details to come). The 75th Anniversary coordinating committee has also talked about field trips related to our history. (P.S., if you'd like to help plan those, contact me!)

  • Neighborhood Groups: As you all know, neighborhood groups are BACK! We had some wonderful initial gatherings and will continue to get together regularly.

  • Campus Ministry: It's been a fantastic spring with the UT student dinners and handing out snacks at various times of the semester. We'll keep that momentum going with lots of student outreach in the fall, so make plans to sign up to help!

  • Endowment for Creative Ministry Programs: The ECM Program Committee is meeting regularly and is making plans for an event in the fall. It's still very early in the process, but it's already clear that UCC will be making an impact that reaches far beyond our congregation!

  • Green Team: We are well underway to becoming a Green Chalice congregation, having completed an energy audit, starting to share green tips in our communications, and re-establishing a recycling program. If you'd like to join the team, let me know!

  • Leadership Retreat: The Servant Leader Ministry is planning a leadership retreat for August 27.

  • Testimony HQ: The Testimony HQ team has been working hard and will be rolling out their project soon. There will be opportunities for the whole congregation to be involved in this effort to effectively tell our faith stories in invitational ways to the local (and not-so-local) community.

There's a lot going on, and I hope you'll find some points of connection that are nourishing to your souls. Reach out to me or Chelsea if you have any questions about how to get involved!
